
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matthew 6:21

Last weekend, I attended a funeral, and as usual for me, afterwards, I thought about my own funeral. It’s been a common topic of conversation for me for a long time. My kids have grown used to me planning my funeral. My husband and I enjoy bantering about whether or not there will be a picture on the tombstone, we’ve come the the conclusion that the last to die wins the argument, since they will be picking out the tombstone. (I’ve got a slight advantage on this one, since he’s quite a bit older than me, but, as we all know, death is no respecter of persons.) The thing for me about funerals, is: I want to get a good understanding of who that person was. There’s a saying in the south: “You preach your own funeral” The life we live tells everyone who we are and what is important to us. The stories of a person’s life tell an accurate picture of what was important to them.

What is your life going to say about you? Who are you? What’s your story? Earlier this year, as I prepared for a celebration of our pastor’s 40th year in the ministry, I listened to years of old sermons. I was looking for interesting sound-bites to put into a slideshow that was being created for the event. I’m a bit of a slideshow fanatic. I love to make them, edit them… make the music hit at the exact right picture. I’ve done birthday slideshows, graduation slideshows, anniversary slideshows… it’s just one of those things I enjoy doing. Back in 2016, there was a sermon entitled “What’s Your Story?” and he spoke about sharing our testimony, being willing to be used by God to share his goodness, about the hang-ups people have that stops them from talking about the goodness of God. I identify with several of those hang-ups. I have, in the past, been judgemental of those people who talk about Jesus too much. I called them ‘Super-Christians’. I felt like they thought they were better than me because Jesus seemed to come up in every single conversation. Looking back now, I was the lukewarm cup of coffee being confused by the steam coming off the fresh cup. Yes, I was coffee, too… but I sure needed some heating up. Now, I feel myself pulling back on the reigns sometimes because I don’t want be viewed in that way. But, I’m trying to change that, trying to become more comfortable talking about my Lord.

I’ve watched “Overcomer” by the Kendrick Brothers multiple times and there’s one part of that film that always stands out to me: Two characters discuss the question “Who are you?” - if everything worldly is stripped away, who are you? Christian is the last descriptor the character comes up with to describe himself and he is challenged about how important his faith is to him, if it is the last thing he would use to describe himself.

Within all of these scenarios, the question remains: Who are you? Take an honest look at your life. What’s in your treasure box? Is it stuff? Is it family? Is it money? Sports? Politics? Where do you spend your time? When this life is over, what will be said about you? Not the nice stuff the preacher comes up with at your funeral, what will be said about you behind closed doors? What will your friends and acquaintances say about you on the ride home from your funeral? What will be said to you at the judgement seat of Christ? When you look back over your life through the lens of God’s Holiness, will you be happy with what you’ve place importance on in this life?

We have evidence, all through the Word, of what God expects from us in this area. We are to be unashamed (Romans 1:16) ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20). We have been sent (Matthew 28:19-20) on a mission, and it’s not optional. Jesus, in His perfection, was constantly ‘about His Father’s business'. When I leave the walks of this life, I want there to be no doubt where I’ve gone. I want there to be no doubt that my faith was the primary focus of my life. I may not have always put it in the forefront of my life, but I certainly intend to spend the rest of my days doing my best to be about my Father’s business every chance I get. Yes, I still have things that have to get done. Yes, my family is still super important to me. But, what better gift can I give to my sons than being an example of a life lived serving my God with everything I have?

Where is your treasure? Is it in the incorruptible love of Christ or are you spending your time and energy on things that will fade away? I have a lot of work to do to be where I want to be on this topic, but I am thankful for a God of second chances and restoration who is willing to give unconditionally when we ask within His will. He wants to see us living a life full of love for Him, and waiting for us to turn our eyes to Him.


See Clearly

