Blog Lisa Higdon Blog Lisa Higdon

Seek the Light

Is your life a beacon leading people out of darkness and toward the marvelous light of Jesus? Or is your light dimmed by the darkness the pervades this world? Have you stepped away from the light for so long that your life is but a flicker of the hope that lies within you? Our Lord longs to restore you, to feed your tiny flame into a burning fire that shines for all to see!

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Blog Lisa Higdon Blog Lisa Higdon

Another Chance

As children of the Almighty God, we have the same tendencies as our children here on earth. God draws us, pushes us, convicts us, even punishes us at times for our choices - and yet we fight against the path He has for us, when all He desires is that we have live ‘more abundant’!

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Blog Lisa Higdon Blog Lisa Higdon

A Snack and A Nap

I will trust Him to be my Father and provide my needs in His perfect timing. And while I wait, I will rest. Rest in the Lord, I will again allow Him to lead, and quit fighting his guidance: Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Matthew 11:29 I love the mental picture of a yoked ox, placidly going where he is led by the one holding the reigns.

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Blog Lisa Higdon Blog Lisa Higdon


One purpose of the Hebrew Law was to highlight our inability to live a perfect life. To show us our sins, and thereby show us our need of a Savior. If we don’t understand what God expects of us, we can not possibly expect to understand how much grace He has shown us through Christ’s pardoning death on the cross.

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