My name is Karolee and I am 19 years old. I'm a member at Rio Blanco Missionary Baptist Church which is located in Santa Elena, Toledo, Belize which was organized on August 5, 2023. It's a blessing to be a member and a part of Rio Blanco and to see how God has worked in our church. Our church has grown so much and all we could ever do is thank God for that and keep trusting God and His plans for each and every one of us. We never imagined Rio Blanco growing, but when God is working within us,we just got trust His plans for us.
My testimony of when I got saved: I was saved on February 2, 2022 and that was the most happiest day of my life, when God saved me, where I've felt so much peace and joy in my heart. I wouldn't trade my salvation for anything in this world! We're living in a world that needs more of God.
I'm very much thankful for how far God has brought me in life with also placing a God fearing husband in my life. One who God called to preach and I could only say God did that. There's so much that I can only Thank God for and also want to share a testimony of how God has been working on me lately as i stuggled,as days went by I struggled with finding myself out of my comfort zone and it's really a struggle something I prayed every day about and I've learnt that we could on Let Go-Let God,that was the answer. By letting go of being in my comfort zone and letting God work, and I'm so happy to say God has been helping me with that and I could only thank Him. You see, if with little things that may seem big in our eyes, Gods got it! Iām thankful that I'm now excersing being out of my comfort zone and it only feels good and I'm happy to be working along side my husband with the young adults as a Sunday school teacher. Because, that's what God wants us to do, to be examples. That says how much God has been working and about us trusting His ways rather than ours as it says in Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. It helps a lot with reading Gods word and understanding it knowing God's got us because He knows what we struggle with. If you're struggling,trust in God,He's got you, He knows what you're going through. I'm so happy that I got to share how God has been and is still being in our lives,
Love you,God bless! God loves you!!