Address Change

For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 1 Corinthians 15:53

Writing a blog post often spans a number of days. In this case, in the 5 days since I began to write and in finishing it, we’ve said good-bye to my father, and had his funeral but, it seems right to share my thoughts of that evening I spent alone with him during my turn to stand watch:

Tonight, as I write, I sit at the foot of my dad’s bed listening to him breath. His time on this earth is nearing its end, and my brothers and I are standing watch. We’ve spent the last few days reflecting on his life as we knew it, the events with him that stand out in our own lives, the good and the bad. He was a personality bigger than life to us as children, and then as we grew into adulthood we saw the depth and different sides to him.

Losing one’s parents is something that the very thought of fills young children with fear. But, as we age, and that time comes nearer and nearer, we, as Christians, learn to appreciate the fact that our parents aren’t going away forever, they’re just moving to a new location. My dad won’t be a phone call or a 1 mile drive away anymore. I won’t be able to talk to him anytime I want, but, because of my faith, I understand that he will live on. His soul, once created by our Father in heaven is never-dying. And, because of my father’s faith, his testimony, I am assured that he has another home prepared for him. That, we will be reunited when I make my crossing and we spend eternity worshipping the Lord.

Now, that we’ve had the funeral, and I’ve spent a couple of days listening to people talk about my dad. I want to continue to live my life in a way that brings honor to the way people saw him, but more than that, my biggest desire is to live a life that brings honor to my Lord. We know that regardless of how hard we try, we can never be perfect, that we will falter and fail. However, if we have a relationship with Christ, we can trust that He has us, and that Holy Spirit indwelling in us has sealed us until that day that we break free from these mortal shells and go to our long home where peace will abound forevermore.

My dad has successfully made his move. He is enjoying an existence in the presence of our Savior. He has escaped his sinful body and is rejoicing in the experiences that we have waiting for us in a place that we can barely comprehend, much less truly understand. We read the descriptions of what is waiting for us: Gates of pearl, streets of gold, jasper walls, crystal clear fountains, no need for light, and that appeals to our human minds, but my soul can not wait for that moment when I can see my savior face to face, and truly understand His great love for me. How will it feel to look into eyes that love perfectly? How could we even begin to respond to what experience will entail? Our feeble brains think that we’re going to look for our loved ones first, but I have to believe that when we’ve reached that beautiful place, it will be a million years before I can tear my gaze away from my true beloved… the One who knows me intimately and loves me in spite of it. The One who was there when I was formed in my mother’s belly, and even knowing every time I would fail Him on this earth, still chose to allow me to experience life.

Friends, we mourn for those we lose, because we will miss being around them, but they are the winners. They’ve made a move to a mansion we can’t imagine, leaving behind all the silly cares and worries of this life. We are left here to point the way to those coming behind us. We are left here to spread the good news, to live holy lives, to disciple others to follow Him and live a life as close to Christ’s as we possibly can.

We owe a great debt, to those that have gone before us, yes, but more than that, we have already (if we’re saved) received more than we could ever repay if we lived this life spending every second of it learning about our Father in Heaven. We have a duty to live a life that brings honor to His name. And, the crazy thing is, even in giving us this great duty, He bestows blessings on us, when we walk in Him, that are so much more than we can begin to imagine. Don’t let your life fly by, while you focus on earthly things, when we have a home coming that offers far more than we can comprehend! When the time comes to change your address… is He going to be pleased with how you used this earthly tabernacle?


You are Somebody!

