
Now then we are ambassadors for Christ… 2 Corinthians 5:20

Most of us find it hard to admit just how much we enjoy the attention we get on social media. It feels good to open it up and see notifications about people liking or commenting on our statuses, on links or things we share. If we’re not careful, it can become easy to post silly or inappropriate things to get the boost that comes from seeing that we’re reaching people. We like to be well thought of, we think a lot about what people say about us when we’re not around. Last night, I attended the visitation of one of the old saints of our church, and I stood and listened as people commented on her life. “Always pleasant,” “Never heard her say a bad word about anyone,” “so strong,” “loved the church.” And, everything that was said about this lady was absolutely true. She was well-known in the community as a great mother, who never shied away from work, I even saw a picture of her driving a tractor well into her 80’s. It made me stop to consider my own legacy, and immediately brought a verse to mind.

A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold. Provers 22:1

From my point of view, I’m not worried about leaving a legacy of riches or of great acts. I don’t have a need to have the kind of name that will last a long time on earth. I do, however, want to have an effect on the everlasting kingdom to come. I understand that eventually, if time continues, I will be just another old tombstone in the graveyard, my name will no longer be spoken, and future generations will have to be told notable stories about me by the few that remember me. But, while that happens on earth, I will be known as I was known for eternity. I will have the opportunity to hopefully meet people whose lives were affected by things I did for Christ. Nothing would make me happier than to die, knowing that there are those who wouldn’t have met Him, if it weren’t for me. I am nothing, but we will spend eternity worshipping His Holiness, and if I can introduce people to Him while I’m here, or even have an influence that helps my fellow Christians want to know Him better, that is the only thing I can do that will stand the test of time.

If we are His ambassadors, if our citizenship is really in heaven, then we are His representatives. It’s our responsibility to point others to Him. Shouldn’t we want to? Shouldn’t we be so thrilled with what we have in our relationship with Him, and in our future in Heaven that we can’t keep it to ourselves?

The first step needs to be realizing exactly what we have in Him. We have a Savior who loves us more than we can imagine. He loves us enough to not only die for us, but to come down and live a life in which He experienced every temptation and trouble that we will every face, and met each one of them perfectly. So, He really does know what we’re going through. We have a home in heaven that is far beyond our wildest imaginations and there is plenty of room for everyone.

I heard a preacher say this summer, “Before God called me to preach His Word, I was a salesman, after I submitted to that call I began selling Jesus, and I’ve been selling Him every day since.” If we want to be influencers, on social media or in real life… let’s keep our eyes on the important stuff. Let’s share the good news about the One who can really change lives. We may not get tons of likes from the general public, we may not have an inbox full of notifications, but we will be pleasing the One who matters.


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