Get Fired Up!

And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works Hebrews 10:24


It’s Football Season! All across America, high school kids are prepping for the Friday night lights. You’ve got the players, the cheerleaders, the bands, and the kids who just love cheering on their team, and they’re all prepping for those Friday nights at the football field. Many of them have been thinking about their part in this American tradition since early childhood. Little boys start playing football in the yard with their dad’s as toddlers. Little girls practice cheers. Some kids wait anxiously for a chance to start playing an instrument. Whatever it is that catches their attention they look forward to participating in. They understand where they fit into the puzzle and enjoy filling their spot.

I’ve spent a lot of time lately thinking abut where exactly I fit in the church. We read about the body of Christ, and how each member serves a purpose… How the body of Christ suffers without all of its members functioning to the best of their ability… And what I’ve come up with was shocking to me. I think I’m a cheerleader… Not a church job? Probably not technically, and definitely not that term. But when you consider how I feel led, for the most part, my biggest desire is to stir up excitement among my brothers and sisters. Yes, I hurt for the lost, pray for them, and look for ways to reach out to them, but my heart is constantly drawn toward finding ways to help my church family remember the incredible joy of living a life set apart and close to our Lord. Or maybe a hype man… I would love to be that person nobody really remembers, but comes along to get them excited before the star of the show comes out. Let me get you hyped about Jesus. The list of things I can speak about His glory, power, and might are endless, the stories of His love could go on forever, and the depths of His patience for us are unfathomable.

But now… I’ve got an unbridled enthusiasm, a joy I can’t contain, a happiness that I know without a doubt you can have too, and I just want to tell you about it.

I say shocking to me, because as a high school student, I never really understood why anyone would want to be a cheerleader. All of that constant happiness didn’t make a lot of sense to my angst-filled teenage self. I was constantly self-conscious and embarrassed even though my outward ‘persona’ didn’t reflect that sentiment. I came across as brazen and confident, but in reality I was anything but. But now… I’ve got an unbridled enthusiasm, a joy I can’t contain, a happiness that I know without a doubt you can have too, and I just want to tell you about it. Whatever it is that you think you’ll miss by surrendering everything to Him, I can guarantee within a few months, you’ll wonder how you ever participated in that at all.

Now, I have become bold, far more bold than I would have ever thought I could be. But, it’s not about me. I care far less what people’s opinions of me are. I need for you to know the depth of relationship that is available. Growth in our relationship with Christ is worth more than anything this world has to offer, all the bright and shiny things that catch our attention pale in comparison to drawing near to the One who created them all.

Get fired up, brothers and sisters! We’re on the winning team! Our quarterback claimed His victory before we were born, and every single one of us can get in the game and do exciting things for our team. On this team… everyone plays… everyone is important, and everyone is needed. Suit Up!

Go! Fight! Win!

Who is this King of glory?
The Lord, strong and mighty,
the Lord, mighty in battle!
Lift up your heads, O gates!
And lift them up, O ancient doors,
that the King of glory may come in.
Who is this King of glory?
The Lord of hosts,
he is the King of glory!

Psalms 24:8-10




Bushels of Blessings