
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9

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We all have those days when we sit back at the end of the day and feel like we’ve accomplished all we set out to do. They’re awesome, and easy to be thankful for. A while back, I had a day that was not that sort of day. That day, I was tired, and ready to rest. I’m pretty sure I was running on sheer adrenaline, sugar, and caffeine. I argued with my husband, and I was prepared to argue with my Pastor. Yikes… I tend to run on a pretty even keel most days, and can generally be kind and pleasant. But, I have my moments. My body gets tired, my mind gets tired. Sometimes, regardless of how excited we are to do something, how willing we are to work, we get tired. That day, I was less than Christ-like. The next morning I awoke a full 2 hours ahead of schedule. After trying to go back to sleep, I just got up. I intended to come into the living room and study and pray. I couldn’t even do that. My prayers were full of excuses for my behavior the day before. It took a while for me to own up to my bad attitude, and settle into a right-minded prayerful mindset.

We were in the middle of a fall VBS. It was a hoot. The kids are amazing and fun, and, as an empty nester with no grandkids in sight, there are a few who I’d like to have come hang out at my house and entertain me for a bit. However, prior to VBS starting there was the set-up and preparation period, and that was way more like work, even if I did get to spend a lot of time with my favorite people - my church family. So, physically, yeah, I was a little tired. But, that doesn’t give me a pass for having a bad attitude, a little 4:00am Bible study proved that quite well.

Do all things without murmurings and disputings: Philippians 2:14

Why is it that we find it so easy to find things to murmur and complain about? Put a few people together, and it won’t be long until someone starts complaining, sometimes we join in and complain with them, sometimes we complain about them complaining… I’ve been guilty of both. And I always feel guilty afterwards, but I want to be better, I want to keep in mind the instructions the Word gives us.

Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus: Romans 15:5

When things aren’t going my way, when everything isn’t lining up just like I think it should, I have some choices: I can resolutely continue toward the goal I have in mind, or I can consider the feelings and opinions of my brothers and sisters. Maybe, their idea is better, maybe their thoughts have as much merit as mine. One thing is sure, I am to be patient and kind to them as we work through our differences, even if it’s just a difference of opinion on a timeline of events. Humans have an incredible tendency toward selfishness. We want what we want and we usually want it now! But, in working for our Lord, our way isn’t the most important thing to consider.

With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men: Ephesians 6:7

When we are seeking only to please the Lord, it is far easier to put our own desires aside. Our feelings are second to the goal, whatever it is. Our ideas, our plans, our desires, they all become second to pleasing our Lord. When we put ourselves last, we actually become more content.

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. John 13:34

Let everything that we do be done in love, not human love for one another, but Christian love. That wonderful agape love that we read about. Sacrificial in nature and wholly supported by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. We only have to submit to His leading

The next time an opportunity arises for you to be of service to our Lord, take it! Be prayerful that you will remember to put Him first in your efforts and that you will enjoy the process, even if it doesn’t go exactly the way you’d like it to. Follow His lead, put Him first, and it will go the way He wants it to.


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In Sight