Love Made Perfect

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Too Busy?

And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. Mark 6:31

Life is busy. Some seasons are busier than others. I remember seasons of my kids’ lives when I felt like I didn’t know if I was coming or going. And, those busy seasons are sort of exciting in a way. We get used to going full tilt, and we don’t even know what to do with ourselves when things calm down. But, the worst thing we can do during these busy times is to set aside our time with the Lord. I can say this with full confidence, because I’ve been guilty of it. It never happens all of the sudden. It’s always, “I’ll make time again tomorrow.” And we might even do that for a day or two, but then it can quickly become a couple times a week, and then once a week, and then suddenly we can’t remember the last time we stopped to pray or read His Word. From there, if not rectified, we can grow used to living a life of going through the motions in our faith.

My slide into being a pew warmer was slow, With two little ones and an aging mother-in-law to care for, it got easy to consider reading a Bible story to my kids enough for a day. Or even preparing for the Sunday School class I was going to teach. The sad reality became that I wasn’t really putting enough effort into any of those activities either. Church became far more of a habit than something I considered important in my life. I often came flying into the parking lot at the last minute or even after services had begun. It wasn’t that my life was really that busy, it was just that church was that unimportant to me. I went many times out of duty, and I sat and listened and often commented or thought that it just didn’t seem like the Spirit was in our church much anymore. I couldn’t feel it.

The truth of the matter wasn’t that the Holy Spirit was not in the service, but that I wasn’t in the service. I was at the service, I was in the church building, I was in the pew… but my heart and mind were often somewhere else altogether. I was far too busy deciding what I thought others should and shouldn’t be doing to pull the massive log out of my own eye so that I could truly see the problem. My own heart needed revival.

And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: Luke 10:41

I’ve always considered myself a “Mary”. And that’s true in a sense. I consider people far more important than tasks, relationships more important than having a super clean house. That’s my basic nature. But, Mary put her Lord above all else. I can’t say that I have lived my life that way. She considered time at His feet the most important thing she could be doing with her time. I haven’t lived that way. I want to. I’m working on it now, but in truth, I’ve not been a true Mary for most of my life. My prayer now is to truly put the most important things first. My relationship with Christ has to come before ALL else.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2

When your relationship with Christ is where it should be, at the top of your priority list, it’s easy to get to church on time. It’s easy to stop what you’re doing and spend time in the Word. Sure, there are days that it takes effort, but I look forward to it, and I’m attuned to my soul’s needs far better than I have been in the past. Have church services changed? Nope, they’re pretty much the same. But, my response to the moving of the Holy Spirit is far different. He is there, and He’s softened my heart to be aware of His presence. He wants to do that for every single one of us. He wants to bring all of us into a close communion with Him. There is nothing good about me or anything I’ve done, but what He’s done in me… well, for that I’m eternally grateful. Psalms 51 was my constant companion throughout last year, as I sought a closer relationship with Him in response to His drawing power. Step outside of your busyness, dive into His Word, and be amazed by it’s transformative powers. Make it your highest priority, and be amazed at His ability to create time in your life.