Love Made Perfect

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12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Phillipians 3: 12-14 (NIV)

Stretching is something every athlete understands is an important part of keeping our body working to its peak performance. If done correctly, stretching can increase our flexibility and strength, improve our posture, prevent injury, relieve tension, and improve energy.

When we allow God to stretch our faith we can reap many similar spiritual benefits: By trusting God’s leadership and stepping out in faith, at first in small things and later in bigger things, we stretch our faith, and our spiritual muscles become stronger and more flexible. As we build our relationship with Christ, our spiritual posture improves, we are visibly more upright (righteousness improves). A strong faith, one that’s been stretched and grown is one that can prevent injury - we are more aware of the Holy Spirit’s gentle guidance and more receptive to His reproof, avoiding costly sinful mistakes in our lives. A flexible and growing faith understands where to place our burdens. When we take our burdens to Christ, and allow Him to lift them from us, we relieve our tension. And finally, when we have a well used, flexible and strong faith, we are more energetic. Our interest in things of the Lord is piqued.: serving Him is a joy, and something we look forward to.

I love Paul’s description of constantly reaching, constantly straining to know better, to commune closer with Jesus. Verse 10 of Phillipians chapter 3 starts out speaking about how he wants to know Him. Paul is in already in a close relationship with Christ, we know that, but even he, who has given up his entire world, and put himself in harm’s way to serve his Savior, still desires to know Him more. Paul, who through God’s work, gave us 13 books of the New Testament was still seeking to build an closer relationship with Christ, and become even more Christ-like. This alone should be evidence that there is a deeper relationship available for us.

So, if this is something we want in our life, how do we begin the process of growing our faith and allowing God to stretch our spiritual muscles? The logical place to start seems to be the living Word of God. The Bible is amazing and alive. One can read the same scripture on different days and reap different lessons. depending on the perspective from which you’re reading.

Spending time in prayer is an amazing way to connect with our Lord. God wants to hear from us. Of course, He is omniscient, and we’re not surprising Him with anything, but He desires the relationship that prayer breeds. In a sermon, recently, a comment struck a chord with me: Prayer should be a two way conversation. How often do we stop to listen for God’s voice in our heart. It’s important to be quiet and listen for His still small voice.

Actively worshipping is another way to stretch those faith muscles. Do more than read the words along with the preacher, do more than sing along with the choir in church. Open your heart up, allow the words of the the songs to penetrate deeply into your heart and mind. Commit yourself to becoming an active participant during sermons. Receive the words, give feedback when appropriate, vocally or non-vocally. Your pastor notices heads nodding in agreement as much as vocalized ‘amens’. Personally, taking notes is something that helps me stay engaged. My faulty human brain is running at 90 miles a minute just like any other day of the week, but it is important for me to slow down and take in the words of the sermon. There is a deep message for me every single Sunday. If I jot down a thing or two here and there, it’s easy for me to look back at my notes and recall the things that moved me.

If we seek God and His will for our life, and fully put our trust in Him, I believe He will give us opportunities to grow. He does that by allowing us to stretch our faith, trusting Him in ever deeper situations. Follow His leadership, obey those tiny nudges in your heart, allow Him to draw you ever closer and marvel at the depth of love that He has for us.