Love Made Perfect

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My Part

Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. James 4:8

When I was a child I watched the movie “Where the Red Fern Grows” more times than I can remember. My grandfather was an avid coon-hunter and he loved to hear the dogs treeing raccoons in the movie, so when I was left with my maternal grandparents I could always depend on that movie being available if I wanted to watch it. There is a point in the movie during which Billy complains to his grandpa that he’s prayed long and hard for some puppies, but God hasn’t given him any. Grandpa gently suggests that perhaps he needs to meet God “Half-way”. Instead of praying for puppies, perhaps he should pray for the opportunity and strength to earn them himself. Billy then begins praying for the strength to do the jobs he needs to do to earn the money for his pups, and God is gracious in its supply.

Talk to any Christian and they usually are at least willing to pay lip service to wanting to be closer to the Lord, and wanting to spend more time in scripture, but that lip service is typically followed immediately by an extensive list of why they can’t spend more time on the relationship. The list is as varied as the person, but what it boils down to is desire. The desire to build a closer relationship with God is not the highest thing on their priority list. Billy wanted puppies, but he wanted God to provide them without doing his part. Once his grandpa pointed him in the right direction, and he realized that he actually had some responsibility in making his dream a reality, he got busy.

It’s time, dear friends, that we put aside our childish things, become confident in the basic tenants of our faith, and go on to grow into more mature Christians. He is there, and waiting for us to reach out to Him. This type of thing is exactly what the Apostle Paul spoke of in the 6th chapter of Hebrews: Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God (.Heb 6:1) If we want to grow, to become closer to our Lord, He’s ready and willing to help, when we get serious.

As the saying goes, it’s time to put on our big girl/boy pants. Time to take stock in our spiritual condition, Time to put Him first: above mindless pursuits, above less important activities. It’s time to make our faith the thing we build our lives upon, not the idle pursuits humanity finds important. Earthly things are necessary to some extent, but we need to remember what is going to last. We all have things in our lives that we can set aside for time with our Lord. I would have said I was too busy not long ago, but turns out if you remove just 1 tv show a night you can spend tons of time with Him. What I found out is that the more I get, the more I want. Now, watching tv is the thing I can’t find time for, can’t even find a desire for. For you, it may be something else, but I can guarantee there is time in your life that can be spent with our Lord, if you want it.

I stretch forth my hands unto thee: my soul thirsteth after thee, as a thirsty land. Selah. Psalm 143:6

Once you taste His goodness, a desire for more will bloom in your heart. Once you begin to spend honest time with him, seeking His desires for your life, your desires will fade away. The important thing for us to realize is that before any of this can happen, we have to want it. If we want to grow closer, He will help. If we want to identify the sin in our life, He will help. If we want to know Him deeper, He will help. We’re not alone in this world, or in our relationship with our Lord, but we do need to do our part.

Let’s do our part. Draw near to Him. Give Him your attention and your focus, and be amazed at how faithful He is.