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Lamb Selection Day

And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together. Genesis 22:8S

Sometimes, a deeper look at something opens up new ideas, new doors, new information. I’ve often spent the Holy Week reflecting on Christ’s last week on earth. This year, I started that study a little early, as I have new Christian friend I wanted to share some of it with. What I discovered was something, that many may know, but before now, I was unaware of. Palm Sunday when we remember our Lord’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem was also an important day of the Passover Feast.

From the moment that Adam and Eve first sinned, God began to teach us that the consequences of sin are death… that blood is required to pay the penalty for our sin. All throughout the Old Testament, we are taught: we see the blood on the doorposts, the institution of the blood sacrifice in the tabernacle. The Hebrew people were given laws so that they could see that it is impossible to please God with our actions. For hundreds of years, God took time to teach them what it takes to be in a right relationship with Him, For hundreds of years, they failed miserably. Finally, their faith itself, in some cases, devolved in to a set of rules that the followed, led by Pharisees and scribes who took more than they were due and colluded with the Roman government in the fleecing of the people.

They were looking for a savior… to save them from Rome. From their physical pain and suffering. The thoughts of their sins had, for many, long left their minds, and they were looking for a Messiah who would free them from the unfair government under which they labored. Jesus came along, and His healings were miraculous, they became hopeful… But still, they looked for physical gain instead of freedom from their sins.

Cue the 10th of Nisan. Lamb selection Day. Sacrificial lambs would have been herded through the Sheep Gate and into the temple for selection by the families preparing for the ritual sacrifice that would occur four days later. They would take the lamb home, inspect him for perfection and take care of him for the week before returning to the temple with him on Friday for the sacrifice. On the same day, Jesus rode in to Jerusalem, meek and lowly, riding on a donkey. Where did He enter? The Sheep Gate. Their perfect lamb had arrived, and was hailed as the Messiah, who, they hoped, would come to save them from Rome. He offered salvation, but a salvation that few could conceive of on that day. He came to be inspected and found faultless (in the temple by the Pharisees) He came to be slaughtered, his blood offered as a final and all-sufficient sacrifice for every soul that called on Him. He came to overcome death and arise victorious. He came for me, He came for you.

Our Perfect Lamb, perfect in every way, took our sins upon Himself and freed us from the punishment we deserve. As we prepare to celebrate His Resurrection in a week, take time this week to think and hopefully study His last week. Look at what He was doing, as He neared the time He would be called upon to give Himself fully for us. He knew what was coming, He knew the price He would pay, and yet, He continued teaching and showing us exactly how to follow His lead during every second He had. Take the time to reflect on these lessons as the week progresses, and see if His love isn’t more amazing that you ever realized.