Love Made Perfect

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Christians should be…”

If you’re a member of my church, you know how you’re expected to complete this sentence.

…. the happiest people on Earth.”

1 Peter 1:8-9 says it all.

Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.

What are we to do, then, when we don’t “feel” like the happiest people on earth?

It slipped up on me… I became less satisfied with most things. Sermons seemed like they “weren’t for me”. I’m pretty sure I commented on that to a couple of family members. My mind turned to things that were not Christ-like. It became easier for me to watch less-than-wholesome movies, tv, etc. To the outside world, I still lived a very “Christian” life. I wasn’tbeing overtly sinful, but I also wasn’t maintaining a close relationship with the Lord. Getting to every service was more like “work” than being thrilled that it was time to “come into the house of the Lord.”

I was somewhat aware of a change in my attitude and commitment, but a comment was made labeling me as a “leader in the church” and it rocked my world.

… Me? Na…

… I don’t even WANT to be a leader. (But, you teach Sunday School, and do other things in the church…)

… (Uh Oh) I’m definitely not ACTING like a leader.

I actually went home and complained to a friend. Wisely, she didn’t condemn me for my attitude (which would have been appropriate, but probably not well-received). But, it kept nagging me. I started taking a deeper look at myself. Why didn’t I feel that same joy and excitement for things of the Lord that I used to? We all know that it wasn’t the Lord who let the relationship slide, so that left only one culprit.

I am so thankful for the Holy Spirit’s conviction in this. Where would we be without the Comforter?

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. John 14:26

“And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:” John 16:8

Praise God for a Comforter who lives in us and is here to teach and reprove us in times of trouble!

So, how do we go from apathy to a renewal of the ‘joy of our salvation’? I would think that path is as personal as our relationship with Christ. It was not a short path for me. (Mostly because I tend to be stubborn and obstinate) I spent time in prayer, read more, studied more, and it still felt like work. I was trying to skip a step… Personally, I needed to repent of a few things and surrender some areas of my life that I had been trying to hold on to. The result has been a renewal beyond anything I could have hoped for. Nothing compares to the joy I feel, except for my salvation experience. I have a renewed drive to pray, study, and worship. Best of all, I can’t wait to get to it, it’s not work, it’s my favorite thing to do! God forbid that I ever return to my former state.

David faced a similar path, after his sins surrounding Bathsheba. Psalm 51 is a beautiful picture of his acknowledgement of his sins, repentance and return to close fellowship with God. Take time to read the Psalm, and if you want to go deeper, Spurgeon wrote a beautiful verse exposition.

If you’ve read this far, all that I ask is that you take time to examine yourself and check your relationship with Christ. It’s so worth it to keep it healthy. If you’re not where you should be, what’s holding you back? First and foremost, have you been saved? If so, do you have worldly things that you have placed in front of your relationship with Christ? What are you spending your time on? Where you spend your time, is probably what has most of your love. I don’t have answers for you, but I know the One who does. Seek Him and He will guide you.