Love Made Perfect

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Down the Chute

… it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. Acts 26:14

Most people who live in rural communities, like the one where I live, have a basic understanding of working with livestock. Many have dealt with livestock of their own. “Working cattle” in my area refers to the periodic gathering of the herd for health checks, and medicines such as wormers and fly-tags. The end goal of the event is a herd of cattle that are healthy and comfortable. Sadly, the day itself is stressful for the cows as they are often herded into a pen and then sent down a chute that ends in a head-gate before being released back into their pasture. None of what the cattle is going through is painful for them unless they fight the one trying to send them down the narrow path they need to go. And, once they have submitted themselves to their master, they live a far better life, free from unhealthy parasites and pests. Herding and working cattle often consists of lots of what seems like harsh behavior on the part of the workers, but if the cows would simply go where they’re directed, it wouldn’t be necessary.

I had a conversation with my Sunday School students about how they feel God views us. And it mirrored my own youthful views of God as a disciplinarian God who was often angry at me. From my current viewpoint, it saddened me a little, but I understand. We tend to feel like God is constantly disappointed in us, like there’s no way we can make him happy, and, in my case, like he’s only letting us in the family out of some sort of ill-placed pity. In fact, nothing could be farther from the truth. God only seeks to guide us to a happy and healthy life. And He’s incredibly patient with our missteps, probably far more patient that we are with our livestock. If we follow His lead, if we go where He is directing us, if we’re simply obedient to His will for our life… we live a blessed life, not without some struggles, but we become fully equipped for the challenges that come our way. We simply struggle against him as he directs down a path that seems, at times, too narrow for comfort.

So, how does God view us? Does he look upon us as naughty children, the way we so often picture Him?

I don’t think so.

One of the many proofs we can find of this in scripture is Hebrews 8:12: For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.

As a child of God, He looks at us and He sees:

  • citizens of Heaven (Phil. 3:20)

  • free men and women (Romans 8:2)

  • a friend of Jesus (John 15:15)

  • chosen, holy, and blameless (Eph. 1:4)

  • holy… and dearly loved (Col. 3:12)

He wants us to live a life more abundant than we can even imagine! And what is our response? So often, we kick, and fight against His gentle guidance in our lives, and when we strike out against a gentle prod, it becomes a prick that feels painful, when we could have avoided all of that by simply being obedient to His call.

Let’s start behaving like a people who trust their leader.

Let’s place our trust in the One who has a plan to give us a life beyond what our feeble minds can even imagine!